Top 10 Diabetes Fruits And Berries To Eat

It turns out that many sweet fruits and berries are not only harmless, but also useful for diabetes, providing comprehensive support to the body and normalizing blood sugar levels.

1. Grapefruit

 According to many experts, grapefruit is recognized as the most antidiabetic fruit due to its special substance naringenin, which increases the susceptibility of diabetics to their own insulin, normalizes cholesterol and contributes to weight loss. Low glycemic index, vitamins C and P, useful fiber - grapefruit has a lot of merits for diabetics. We advise you to eat 200-300 grams of pulp daily, both fresh and in the form of smoothies and juices. 

 2. Orange

Following its citrus counterpart, the list of the most beneficial fruits for diabetes also includes an orange containing a large amount of beta-carotene, lutein and vitamins A, C and E. Folic acid and potassium, which are also part of it, can help normalize blood pressure, and soluble fiber helps keep blood sugar in check and lowers cholesterol. Do not forget about the quantity - 200 grams of pulp per day will benefit.

3. Strawberries

Nothing beats a serving of strawberries as a sweet wholesome snack! Like many berries, strawberries have a low glycemic index and a powerful complex of antioxidants that stimulate the immune system and neutralize harmful by-products of metabolism. Antioxidants in berries are also good for vision, providing protection against retinal degeneration and diabetic cataracts. And although strawberries can be enjoyed endlessly, experts recommend limiting the serving to 250 grams of berries per day. 

4. Cherry

With one of the lowest glycemic indices among all berries, cherries also featured a high content of antioxidants and a whole cocktail of healthy substances: beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, fiber and folic acid. Cherry also contains anthocyanins, useful for diabetics - substances that help lower blood sugar levels by increasing insulin production. Half a cup of cherries can be recommended as a daily serving of nutrients.

5. Peaches

The sweet taste of juicy ripe peaches is an affordable and healthy pleasure for diabetics. These fruits are just a storehouse of fiber, antioxidants, immunostimulating vitamin C and special phenolic compounds that improve metabolism at the cellular level. Of course, like other fruits, leaning on peaches for diabetes is not worth it - for the healing effect, only one fruit per day is required. 

6. Pears

Pears can also be considered a cure for diabetes. These fruits are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar. Pears help lower cholesterol, strengthen the immune system and improve digestive health. In addition, pears are low in carbohydrates, and their use is especially beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes, increasing overall insulin sensitivity.

7. Plums

A serving of 0.5 cups of dark plums daily can significantly help in the fight for blood sugar. The presence of anthocyanins, ellagic acid and hydrolyzable tannins in plums makes these fruits extremely useful for patients with diabetes mellitus. Plums also help control the conversion of carbohydrates to blood sugar and cope with excessive thirst and frequent urination, problems common among diabetics.

8. Apples

In the West there is such a proverb, "A day is by apple - and the doctor will not be needed." It is also relevant for the treatment of diabetes - juicy fruits are rich in soluble fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Like pears, apples contain pectin, which helps cleanse the body from the inside. Pectin is also able to reduce insulin requirements by up to 35 percent. In addition, apples help prevent heart attacks, reduce the risk of cancer and protect the vision, which is so vulnerable among people with diabetes. Permitted Serving: 1 average apple per day.

9. Blueberries

These berries can help diabetics with tannins and glycosides that regulate blood sugar. It’s also well known that blueberries help preserve vision, including protecting the retina from the development of diabetic microangiopathy, strengthening blood vessels and normalizing blood circulation. Blueberry tea made from fresh or dried berries infused with boiling water is especially useful for diabetes. 

10. Qiwi

To the delight of fans of this fruit, a positive relationship was found between consuming kiwi and lowering blood sugar. Kiwis contain vitamin C, E and A, flavonoids, potassium and a large amount of beta-carotene, which provides protection against free radicals and improves overall health. In addition, eating kiwi per day, we recharge the body with a lot of fiber, which helps to control blood sugar and lowers cholesterol.


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